EP-ESE investigates selected technologies for the implementation of application-specific-integrated circuits for HEP experiments. Consultancy...
EP-ESE manages a number of services for the CERN community.
Board ID and Standards Library
BoardID Database EP-ESE maintains a database for the assignment of unique board identifiers to types of PCI, xTCA, USB, and VME64x modules...
ESE provides a service to support design and verification methodologies for Application-Specific-Integrated-Circuits (ASICs). As a community, we...
Climatic chambers
Three different climatic chambers are available in the ESE group to allow the testing of electronics modules at different temperatures. Some of...
Crates for Modular Electronics
This service helps to evaluate, purchase, test and maintain crates for use in experiments at CERN. Large quantities of 6U and 9U VME crates have...
Electronics Pool
The CERN Electronics Pool runs a rental service for modular electronics, low and high voltage power supplies and laboratory instruments for use...
EMC support
The ESE group can provide consultancy and help to resolve EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) and grounding issues that arise in the design...
IC Storage
A limited service is available to store and vacuum pack bare-die ICs and wafers with a protective atmosphere (nitrogen) to prevent degradation...
LHC power supplies and crates
The ESE group runs a service to help evaluate, purchase, test and maintain power supplies for use in experiments at CERN. Large quantities of...
Radiation tests
ESE operates and maintains dedicated X-ray facilities for measuring total dose effects on integrated circuits. ESE can provide consultancy on...